Category: College Magazines

One More for the Ages

Each year, just before the semester begins, the college president hosts a welcome-back dinner for all faculty and staff. The highlight of the evening comes at the end of the meal, when tiny chocolate cups of Frigolet – a Norbertine…

New Roles, New Paths

If you’ve visited the St. Norbert College Magazine page on Facebook recently, you’ll have noticed new energy and a new voice. It’s the work of publications intern Emilie Smith ’20, who’s taken this channel under her wing – and lots…

A Slow Day at the Office

Today I’m practicing slow journalism. Today I said yes to an opportunity to which common sense dictated I say no. I drove south instead of north. I skipped the office, I went well off-campus; out on a limb, on the lam…

Food for Thought

Prediction: The top reader takeaways from our new issue will be two notes on food. 1) Gum as important study aid: “If you chew a certain flavor while you study for a test, then chew the same flavor during the…

Readers Everywhere You Look

We generate two new mailing lists – U.S. and Foreign – for every issue and it’s always cool to see how far we will travel. It’s the little tiny places that intrigue me the most. We have readers in the…

Things I Found Out This Week

I feel I live my working life pretty much chained to my desk but, any time I venture out on campus, it’s dangerous – you invariably come back with a story. Among things I found out this week: Two of…

Little Details, Big Deal

We did a couple of things differently in our summer issue, and I’d say the chances are high you haven’t spotted ’em yet! 1) It’s our habit to run a class year after the name each time we mention a…

In-triguing Enough

When we redesigned our print-issue Table of Contents page we found we needed an unobtrusive way of differentiating the various online extras listed. Headlines were too much, so instead we devised a bolded lead-in phrase (there’s probably a term for it) to…

A Word From the First Year

Happy anniversary to us! A year ago today publications intern Nicole Jagielski ’12 and I launched this blog with a post called – and I believe you can see the full might of our joint creative powers at work there –…