Month: March 2012

Why blogger?

Nicole and I have a lofty statement about the purpose of this editor’s blog in our strategic plan, but I think what it boils down to is that our magazine needs what all magazines need: a way to initiate conversation…

St. Norbert at large

Now everybody has returned from Spring Break, it’s becoming evident that, even though classes stopped for a week, our students haven’t exactly been slacking. It was Todd Danen (Alumni Relations) who pointed this out to me this morning after Common…

Spring 2012, fresh from the press

SPRING 2012: ON THE EDGE OF DISCOVERY Academic freedom protects the ongoing conversation between faith and reason that constitutes the Catholic intellectual tradition. In this issue, we explore the implications of this necessary privilege for a college that is deeply…

Editors, editors …

Just to show that we’re even-handed here at St. Norbert College Magazine, I share these two remarks, both from the Spring 2012 issue – out tomorrow. 🙁 “In fact, Catholic theology … is usually a mess that’s been concocted by editors,…

Seeking cover

A few weeks ago I was at a coffeehouse where friends were reading poetry and, boy, did I want to go home and have a crack at it myself. Now, I can write doggerel at will – a limerick, a…

Words to live by

For an upcoming seminar, one of a series on the college’s Catholic and Norbertine roots, I have been charged with reading the Rule of St. Augustine. Always ready to engage with any piece of text, I tend to embark on…

ESL, O.Praem.

Sometimes work is just way too much fun – and sometimes that fun comes in unlooked-for experiences, like our photo shoot last week with two nuns visiting from a contemplative order, plus a priest and a deacon. We needed a…

Dale Keiger on college magazines

If you want to know the current state of college magazines, ask Dale Keiger. Keiger, senior writer at Johns Hopkins University, is the author of the blog UMagazinology and, in this podcast at Impact Alumni, you can hear him talking…