Tag: Drew

Blossoming Rivalry

  Drew is having a little contest against himself to see how many Likes his photography can get on the college’s Facebook page. He enjoys taking off with a camera from time to time to see what’s going on around…

All in a day’s Christmas

It’s been a festive and Christmassy 24 hours in the office of communications at St. Norbert. We: sent out the college’s video Christmas greeting; enjoyed the creative ho-ho-ho flair of our team-mate, graphic designer Nick Patton ’03. (Click the right-hand…

Meeting by design

I really like working among creative people! We’ve been connecting with the team ahead of our coming magazine redesign, and this is Drew’s agenda for our brainstorming session.

ESL, O.Praem.

Sometimes work is just way too much fun – and sometimes that fun comes in unlooked-for experiences, like our photo shoot last week with two nuns visiting from a contemplative order, plus a priest and a deacon. We needed a…