We knew our website redesign would give us a new place to tell stories, but as we’ve developed the new site it’s been interesting to explore how readily we can use it as an extension of our existing publications. Wherever…
Tag: Norbertine
Chapter captured
Acquiring the abbey habit
After taking part in a study tour of Norbertine houses in Europe, I was afraid that all might become lost in a 10-day blur. But, nine Norbertine communities later, I cherish the memory of each – in large part because,…
Blogging Norbertine
Julie Friedman (Misson & Student Affairs) is the official blogger of our seminar group as we tour Norbertine abbeys in Central Europe. Her photos of the group from the college are marvelous, and she captures some of the sense of…
Twenty minutes with Spring 2012
Just got 20 minutes? Time for a cup of coffee and a first page-through the Spring 2012 issue of St. Norbert College Magazine! In 20 minutes you can: Read what happens when a physics professor applies his discipline’s skills to…
Spring 2012, fresh from the press
SPRING 2012: ON THE EDGE OF DISCOVERY Academic freedom protects the ongoing conversation between faith and reason that constitutes the Catholic intellectual tradition. In this issue, we explore the implications of this necessary privilege for a college that is deeply…
Words to live by
For an upcoming seminar, one of a series on the college’s Catholic and Norbertine roots, I have been charged with reading the Rule of St. Augustine. Always ready to engage with any piece of text, I tend to embark on…
ESL, O.Praem.
Sometimes work is just way too much fun – and sometimes that fun comes in unlooked-for experiences, like our photo shoot last week with two nuns visiting from a contemplative order, plus a priest and a deacon. We needed a…